The First Spy on Long Island by Mary Lares The spy ring of Long Island during the American Revolution is something that not many people know much about. This ring was made of a number of men who worked to gather information and intel from the British troops to relay to George Washington. In the war, Long Island was one of the very first areas that was taken by the British redcoats. It was also occupied the longest; the last troops once the war was won left the new United States from Long Island. So, many people wondered, how was it that these patriots were able to win a war so stacked in the favor of the enemy? The Culper spy ring of Long Island had an incredible effect on the plans and successes of the patriots. However, the entire ring would not have been possible if Nathan Hale had not been asked by Washington himself in 1776 to cross into enemy territory as the first spy on Long Island. Nathan Hale was tasked with going through Manhattan and onto Long Island to find out when the ...